New Laptops, Better Service!
In November 2023, we received a $4,448 Community Grant from the San Jose Rotary Club to upgrade our office technology. This grant allowed us to purchase 7 laptops and desktops, significantly improving our productivity and ability to assist clients in securing stable, affordable housing.
Two laptops went to our Finance Department, streamlining payments and financial management tasks. Aimal from the team noted, "Now we can open multiple tabs and compare documentation without the computers overheating or slowing down."
Alex, a new member of our Housing First Case Management team, received a touchscreen laptop. "I love it. It’s useful for signing documents in person during property interviews and makes everything easier than carrying around papers," Alex shared.
Ricardo, a Senior Housing Coordinator, upgraded from his old desktop, greatly enhancing his efficiency. "Having a new computer with updated software simplifies and speeds up my work," he said.
The new laptops have helped us remediate our problem of having super slow service and crashing programs when processing rental payments and communicating with individuals with disabilities needing housing.
We are incredibly thankful to the San Jose Rotary Club for their generous support. You can learn more about their impactful work on their website Here.
Overall, this grant has been crucial in solving our technology challenges and enabling our team to better serve our clients.