What is a Partner Property?
Housing Choices creates affordable and inclusive housing opportunities for people with developmental and other disabilities by securing long-term commitments of set-aside apartments in typical community rental housing. At these Partner Properties, the developer and property management company create integrated community housing while implementing their normal business models – with the assurance that Housing Choices will provide the individualized services that each resident with developmental and other disabilities needs to live successfully in community rental housing.
In addition to creating stable, affordable and inclusive housing, Housing Choices’ Partner Property model represents a commitment to the individual resident’s control over their housing, which is unaffected by a change in supportive service providers. This segregation of housing rights and service rights promotes true independence and autonomy for people with developmental and other disabilities.
Housing Choices is dedicated to supporting people with developmental and other disabilities to meet the typical lease and property guidelines created for the Partner Property by the developer and the property management company. We maintain a separate waiting list for the set-aside apartments. When a set-aside unit becomes available, a dedicated team of Housing Coordinators helps people with developmental and other disabilities, their families, and service providers with every step of the housing waitlist and application process. The property management company then subjects the completed rental application to the same tenant underwriting requirements as would apply to other applicants, with any exceptions that may be warranted on an individual basis as a reasonable accommodation for a disability.
Once a property manager has approved a lease for an applicant with disabilities, a Resident Coordinator who works at the Partner Property will assist the new resident in understanding and meeting their responsibilities as tenants. This housing support service is funded in addition to the individualized services each resident may need to assist with the activities of daily living.
Housing Choices’ Partner Property model has achieved impressive housing retention rates and enjoys the loyal support of many of our community’s housing developers. The set-aside model has worked both at for-profit, market rate housing, as well as at properties that are 100% affordable. Successful Partner Properties include large (450-unit) properties, as well as much smaller properties.
More Reading
Read Housing Choices' recommendations for planning an affordable housing property that is inclusive of people with developmental and other disabilities.
Read about how Housing Choices and other Regional-Center funded services support people with developmental and other disabilities to meet the typical expectations of property managers at community rental housing.
Advocate for More Partner Properties
If you would like to help us advocate for Partner Properties in your community, please complete our Housing Advocacy Interest Form.